Jak se tak dívám na statistiky, pořád sem občas zavítá nějaký návštěvníček. A jelikož stále žiju a stále fotím, dokonce víc než kdy předtím, založila jsem si facebookovou stránku, která startuje dnes (4.
Wonderful day
Wonderful day
The best day, with my best friend. helping me create pictures of me. The better part of me. I think I envy myself right now. For having her in my life, and having
Spread your wings, my little butterfly
Spread your wings, my little butterfly
Mamma told me not to waste my life.She said spread your wings my little butterfly.Don't let what they say keep you up at night.And if they give you shh... Then they can walk on
The moon in her chariot of pearl
The moon in her chariot of pearl
“Ah, on what little things does happiness depend! I have read all that the wise men have written, and all the secrets of philosophy are mine, yet for want of a red rose
Trough the glass
Trough the glass
Jsou dny, kdy jednoduše musíte vypnout. Díváte se z okna a jediné, na co dokážete myslet je, jak vám život uniká mezi prsty. Dny se krátí, maturita se blíží, první dospělá a důležitá
Enjoy the silence
Enjoy the silence
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.” “In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out
Don't let me down..
Don't let me down..
Alex Hepburn - UNDER Don't bury me Don't let me down Don't say it's over Cause that would send me under Underneath the ground Don't say those words I wanna live and your
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